Title: Muppet King Arthur, Chapter Three Written By: Paul Benjamin and Patrick Storck Artist: James Silvani Colors: Eric Cobain Letterer: Deron Bennett Assistant Editor: Jason Long Editor: Aaron Sparrow Designer: Erika Terriquez Cover: David Petersen Publisher: Boom Kids! Pages: 22 Synopsis: (from the publisher trade) A Tale of Chivalry, adventure, chickens, and magic! The tale of King Arthur has been told many times over the centuries, but never before has it included robots, knock-knock jokes, and boomerang fish! The Muppets bring you this beloved classic in their signature style, adding twists and turns to the quest for the Holy Grail that would make a sane driver pull over and ask for directions! Will the Frog King save his beloved England from the curmudgeonly Sam of Eagle? Will the Lady of the Lake get back on the festival circuit? Will they find a carpenter capable of making a round table? Find out in MUPPET KING ARTHUR! |
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Warning For Spoilers and General Silliness