Title: One Knight Only Author: Peter David Publisher: Ace Pages: 373 Synopsis: (courtesy of goodreads) King Arthur--in his modern incarnation as Arthur Penn--has been elected President of the United States. But with political power comes powerful enemies. An assassination attempt against Arthur puts his beloved wife Gwen in a coma--and her only hope lies in the lost Holy Grail. |
I read Story’s copy of the first book in Peter David’s Modern Arthur trilogy (Knight Life) back in college. I remember the basic outline and characters, and that it was entertaining and creative. However in the time since I hadn’t been able to get ahold of books 2 and 3 because they’re out of print and only book 1 is available in ebook form. Story has copies but we live far apart and usually when we see each other we’re busy doing other things. But during my most recent visit to her place (I was there to see her community theater production of Beauty and the Beast because if Arthurian stuff is her jam, Beauty and the Beast is solidly mine) we had some downtime. I had also found a copy of book 3, Fall of Knight, in a used bookstore. Thus, I had the time and inclination to burn through this in a few days. I’ll do Fall of Knight too once I’ve read it.