Welcome All- A Few Things to Know

Welcome All- A Few Things to Keep In Mind:

1. Hi all. I'm Storyteller Knight. You can find me on Fictionpress where I write novels about King Arthur, Superheroes and Vampires (but not at the same time) and at Pardon My Sarcasm where I rage about how the republicans are ruining all things.

2. Here is the Master List of books read, books owned and books needed to complete a series. Superscripts next to title links to reviews on this site. Or you can search using the lables.

3. I'm approaching this blog with the assumption that everyone reading already knows the ultimate spoiler of the King Arthur Legend: Everyone Dies. Those who read King Arthur books do so to see different interpretations of the characters and the stories. My goal here is to analyze the effectiveness of those interpretations. Thus, all my reviews will include spoilers.

4. This is not an Arthurian 101 blog. As I said above, I'm assuming that everyone reading already knows the legend and is looking for different interpretations of that legend. Therefore, I'm not going to take time to explain who the characters are and what roles they traditionally play. Links to Arthurian Encyclopedias at the bottom of the page.

5. These reviews are my opinions of the books. I may hate a book you love or I may love a book you hate. If you have a different opinion, write it up. I'd be more than happy to have some guest posts.

6. Please don't ask me (or any of the guest bloggers) to do your homework for you. As I said above, this is a blog dedicated at looking at these books from an Arthurian perspective. If you comment on posts asking us what the theme is or such, we're just going to screw with you.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Wicked Day Discussion

This is part 3 of 3 in SamoaPhoenix and my joint review/discussion of Mary Stewart's The Wicked Day.  My review can be found here and SaomoaPhoenix's review can be found here.

~Storyteller Knight

SamoaPhoenix and I have just swapped our reviews of the book and she has just finished reading my take on the book.

Warning for Spoilers

    Seriously, you cried?

 Storyteller Knight 
    I did!
At the end where they're gathering up Arthur to take him often to be healed and Mordred is just left there bleeding to death

I did see a lot of your version of Mordred in this book
It seems to have influenced you more than you realized

 Storyteller Knight 
    Apparently.  Because I did not even remember this book correctly.
Like, we get to the scene where Bedwyr’s attacked by Gaheris, Agravain and their crew and I remember Mordred helping him flee from Camelot before taking off in his own exile.  That was a completely different book I read at the same time.

It was interesting because I kept expecting to see Mordred's difficulty in trusting people be his downfall. but he never changed and was loyal to the end despite the legend

 Storyteller Knight 
    Yes.  I liked that because, as Stewart points out in her notes, the original makes no sense.  NO SENSE!

And Arthur at least is way out of character if what happens in Malory's version is "true"

 Storyteller Knight 
Oh, totally.  It’s like “Arthur, this kid is wrecking your kingdom.  And you're going to leave him alone as regent?  Really?"

I sort of wish she had had Mordred completely defy fate and be at Arthur's side at the last battle and made some sort of point about how we can make our own fate
Merlin's gods are not the kind of gods I'd want to serve if they do stuff like this to people

 Storyteller Knight 
That would have been awesome.  I don't know why she didn't.  It wasn't as if there weren't already a ton of continuity lapses in the story already

I know
And it wasn't as if she didn't "defy" the legend by having Mordred not go over to the dark side at all

 Storyteller Knight
This brings me to my most important question in the whole book
How old is King Hoel?  Dude must have been ancient.

Well, he must have great-great grandkids because Cerdic has great-grandkids

 Storyteller Knight 
I mean, he's got to be close to Uther's age, right?  Or at least closer to Uther's age then Merlin's.

So he's one of the lucky few in medieval times who lives to, like 80
Some people did

 Storyteller Knight 
And still runs out into battle
That was where the suspension of disbelief was lost

Yeah, that was stretching it

 Storyteller Knight 
That and Benoic suddenly being in Less Britain caused major eye rolling on my behalf

I love it when authors don't read their own books
People like Tamora Pierce can be forgiven because she has a ton of Tortall books and sometimes details slip by her. Mary Stewart has 3 to keep track of when writing Wicked Day

 Storyteller Knight 
Hell, two books to keep track of when Morgian suddenly became Morgan
Anyways, those were my major nitpicks aside from the writing style

I don't understand it. She takes these big, epic stories that could be so fascinating and makes them dull
There is a lot of telling and not much showing. Half the time, I was like "really? I don't believe you" when we suddenly jumped to another character for a paragraph to explain their motives

 Storyteller Knight 
Yeah, that happened with Gaheris a lot
He could have been a really fascinating psychopath

Crazed by being in lust with his mother

 Storyteller Knight 
Well, if Stewart had taken more care with that relationship it could have been like… Gaheris was Morgause's second option or something.  She groomed him up into this crazy through this devotion to her and spun it into lust.

It looked like she was trying that with Gareth but he didn't spend enough time with her to be corrupted
Note that he's the least crazy of all her sons that grew up with her as their mother (I don't count Mordred because he said to the end Sula was his mother)

 Storyteller Knight 
    Gawain made me sad.  He started off so promising

Yeah, he started out being an interesting and rounded character. He has a temper but can let it cool. He and Mordred have a complex but mostly positive relationship since Mordred can in no way take the Orkneys from him. Then he disappears off to Orkney to rule and transforms into a completely different person.
At that fight with the Romans at the end, it was like Stewart didn't have Gaheris to put all the crazy on so she just dumped Gaheris's kneejerk reactions on Gawain even though it's been established he doesn't act like that
It put it on he went a little nuts when Gareth died

 Storyteller Knigh
    I don't know if it had been established that he didn't though, because since Gabran's death everyone seemed careful about not letting Gawain too close to people who had insulted his honor (Gaheris, Lamorak, Bedwyr), at least not right away.  He would cool but it took time. 
I wouldn't put Gawain's unraveling at Gareth's death but at watching Mordred kill Gabran.

He and Mordred aren't really friends after that moment, but that's because they both find out who Mordred really is before they see each other again. Gawain never quite figures out how Mordred fits in the family pecking order after that, other than the reassurance that Mordred can't take the Orkneys.

 Storyteller Knight 
Agreed.  So, I don't really buy any reason given here for Gawain's sudden personality shift, but this is where it occurs.

But we never have any evidence of Gawain actually losing his temper until the thing with the Romans. Everyone is afraid of Gawain's reactions to Gaheris killing Morgause, etc... but we never see the reason for this

 Storyteller Knight 
Agreed.  Gawain was poorly done.

He comes and goes when Stewart needs him for something, rather than because he's a character with motivations of his own

 Storyteller Knight 
They all seem like that except for maybe Mordred and Arthur

She also seemed not to know what to do with Agravain. So she just made him Gaheris's shadow except for being in love with Morgause
And I still can't figure Morgan/Morgian out.
Morgause, OK, she has some reasons to be irritated with the Pendragons even though she carries it way too far

 Storyteller Knight 
Morgan is not important enough to have her name stay the same from book to book.  If Stewart doesn't care, why are you bothering?

Morgan has zero reason to be the angry, bitter person she is

 Storyteller Knight
I mean, the only reason I would give is that she's ambitious like everyone in her family but has no outlet for it as a woman. 

But she seemed to be fulfilling her ambitions by becoming a Queen. She seemed happy enough when she got married because it wasn't to creepy Lot

 Storyteller Knight 
Maybe she got bored.
I mean, we never see her again so we never know.

I almost wish Stewart had written a book about her just so we might get a sympathetic take on her. Stewart seems to sympathize a lot with her main characters

 Storyteller Knight 
There's got to be a better Morgan book out there than Mists of Avalon, that's for sure

 SamoaPhoenix 8:31 pm
Nancy Springer has a Morgan le Fay book, a companion to her Mordred book
The one that has Mordred give up the goodness in his soul so he can become the heartless monster he's prophesied to be after trying for years to escape it only to have everyone tell him he needs to be evil

 Storyteller Knight
So maybe that would be good.  J. Robert King has one too as a part of his series that I am interested in getting my hands on.

Morgan doesn't get her own book in Gerald Morris' books but he portrays her sympathetically

 Storyteller Knight
I do enjoy her and Gawain bickering in his books

Debating over who's older

 Storyteller Knight 
But let's get back on the topic of this book

We seem to have similar opinions on this one
Unlike previous books

 Storyteller Knight
Yes.  In general it's interesting how underwhelmed we've been by this series as a whole.

As I said in my little blurb, I do not understand all the reviews where people say these are their favorite books ever

 Storyteller Knight 
I don't either.  After what we had to suffer through with Merlin just... I don't understand what people see in him.  He certainly doesn't see anything worthwhile in you.

Most people, especially women, are beneath his notice unless they do something really spectacular to get his attention. Like ask him to teach them magic or get kidnapped. Anything else, you're not worth a second glance

 Storyteller Knight 8:41 pm
That was one thing that made me sad.  Mordred's view of women isn't that much different than Merlin's.  It wasn't as obvious or as infuriating in this book as it was with Merlin but it still sucked.

I commented on that in my review

 Storyteller Knight 
Yeah, I saw that.  I said basically the same thing in my commentary on the rape that served no purpose.

That whole thing was pointless
Other than for Mary Stewart to prove that, yes, she can write a rape

 Storyteller Knight
Hurray for her!

But she didn't need to

 Storyteller Knight 8:45 pm
Actually, this whole endeavor has made me love Nancy McKenzie a million times more than I already did because she took the frame of this story and retold it from Guinevere's point of view.  So you still get shit moment where Morgause and Morgan are evil for no reason because they don't cross paths with Gwen all that much so she doesn't really have a chance to delve into their reasoning.  But then there are moments like this where the rape really has a narrative purpose in Galahad's reaction because it shows how completely off his rocker that kid is.

I miss having fun with Arthurian legends

 Storyteller Knight 
Me too.  We should, like, do a re-read of Gerald Morris at some point

Gerald Morris and T.A. Barron inject at least some humor

 Storyteller Knight 
There is a disturbing lack of humor in this series

T.A. Barron doesn't have a lot of humor but he does write some slapstick in there
Characters tripping over things and playing pranks on each other and stuff

 Storyteller Knight
So, it's becoming clear that we don't really have anything to say about this book beyond we liked it but it was problematic because we keep talking about other books.

It will be interesting to see what's different about Prince and the Pilgrim because it was written so much later
    I can see the difference between Wicked Day and Crystal Cave, and they're about a decade apart

 Storyteller Knight
It will be interesting too because that will be more of Stewart's own invention than this series because there's not really much to the story of Alexander.

So at least we won't have any more gaffes like getting to the end of the series and wishing she hadn't set it up the way she had

 Storyteller Knight 
Yes.  Please note future authors, it's really important to know the legend inside and out before writing a bestselling series.

Not getting to the end and going "Wait, I didn't want to make him evil!"

 Storyteller Knight 
Or “that doesn't make any sense... wait, do I have to follow it?”

Of course our answer would be: "no, you don't!" But we've read way more retellings that really take...liberties with the legend.

 Storyteller Knight 
I think she built up fate as this all important thing and couldn't conceive spitting in the face of her all-important fate

Since that was basically all Merlin lived for. If you shattered that prophecy, you'd have to have Merlin/Nimue drop dead

 Storyteller Knight 
I would be sad about Nimue.  At least she sorta tried.

I liked her

 Storyteller Knight 
Nimue was the best when she wasn't sleeping with Merlin

Yes, once she developed a life of her own

 Storyteller Knight 
Well, final thoughts?

Best of the series so far.

 Storyteller Knight
Definitely.  And I love Mordred.

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