Title: Under Camelot's Banner Author: Sarah Zettel Publisher: Luna Pages: 560 Synopsis: (from the publisher) When war threatens the kingdom of Camliard, sisters Lynet and Laurel find themselves in the heart of the darkening crisis, with only one way to restore peace. While her older sister remains as a hostage, Lynet must bring back the last heir of Camliard’s ancient royal house—the High Queen Guinevere.
But Lynet’s quest is not
so easily achieved. Once in Camelot, she must deal with the politics of court
as well as country. One ally is Gareth, youngest brother of the brilliant Sir
Gawain, who aches to achieve knighthood and fame by his own hand. But Gareth
soon finds this quest is no game, and that Lynet is no maid to be toyed with.
With the machinations of
the sorceress Morgain threatening their future, only Lynet and Gareth’s
strength and love together can save the queen’s hereditary kingdom from a
tangled web of magic, treachery and war. And that strength is failing…
I seem to have
accidentally read book three of this series before book two. Oops. It doesn’t
really seem to matter except for passing references to Geraint being married.
Neither Risa nor Elen are mentioned by name.
Again, the blurb above
lies to you. Guinevere’s hereditary kingdom is called Cambryn in this book, not
Camlaird. At least the title is appropriate to the book’s content this time.